High definition vision

Modern technology has improved the performance of many products that we use every day - for example the look and performance of an old black and white television compared to a modern flat screen television receiving a high definition signal are worlds apart - which would you rather watch?

It's the same with spectacle lenses - why have lenses that are manufactured using old fashioned methods when you could be viewing the world through lenses individually crafted to suit you using the latest in Digital Freeform technology.

Old fashioned televisions compared to new digital

The advantages are clear:

Conventional vs Digital Lens comparison

Conventional Lens

Prescription inaccuracies can occur at the periphery of the lens

Digital Lens

Sharper vision right to the edge of the lens


Up to 12% thinner and 20% flatter than conventional lenses and personalised with laser engravings of your initials*

Advanced options and coatings

Kodak Digital Lenses are available as single vision and varifocal and as Thin & Lite with CleAR and Clean 'N' CleAR coatings. Also available as UVSun Polarised, InstaShades, SunSensors and Transitions.